
The Entertainment News '24 Issue #36

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The Entertainment News '24 Issue #36

Sunday, 08 September 2024
Alright, today is going to be a busy day just sitting in front of the computer, so let me break it down.

By the time you see this, Ajuju's birthday would have been over and she would have been 30 and married and now that both of them are true, maybe you can catch up on her birthday countdown livestream last night (yes, she has her own YouTube channel, and she streams video games occasionally) which I was there for but she didn't show face anyways so I guess I get to hear her sweet voice. *giggles* Speaking of voices, I also would have watched Kanno Mai's birthday event livestreams (don't ask why I don't just physically go there, bruh) and I'll likely talk about it on the outro I just stated it here because I bought the tickets *dabs* haha simp mode activated, and I would've dunked on both of them because I wrote a fanfic yesterday dictating how my jealous girlfriend will not like any of them. *laughs*


Someday, me, someday the only women that will matter is your sweet, lovely and jealous girlfriend. *cringe* Okay let's Anime and music!!

をニパ Gimai Seikatsu
"A stepbrother is really nothing more than a stranger." Oh yeah you think so, Saki-chan? *giggles*
Oh yeah, someone just recently transformed into IRL Tomiya Miyu. *laughs* In this new episode where I really wonder if this is it to the story (#GimaiSeikatsu10), we got a little more info on the whole situation around us, you know, so we can just avoid dealing with flashback which jolly, we didn't have one this week, thank goodness. But yeah, probably because she threw her diary away into the river which I would fine her for littering (lol) but as you would recall she didn't, it's just hidden deep in a cave somewhere and I don't mean her crotch *dabs* but you get the idea, sealing it away is the whole point. I know right, we don't have a backyard to keep them in, this is an apartment they live in anyways. And with the parent child meeting at school, this somehow got worse? I mean, I know the dad might be busy and so is the mom, but there really is a need to keep the siblings relations a secret though? *silence* But yeah I mean, by this point you should realize that it is more than just convenient if the world gets to know of the relationship between these two (siblings, people, siblings) because if you have been paying attention to Saki-chan previous episode, this might actually help her keep mouths shut on what weird actions they may have accidentally done to each other, maybe just Maaya-san isΒ  keeping track lol but also Asamura's friend would have noticed too. And this isn't all, it extends out to the parents themselves, all the son not acknowledging mom talk. I really wonder if there is a shtick to all this family talk. Like, you can't just edge me, isn't it? *laughs* Like, even the mom thinks there must be a point in being family, like, as if there is a problem for this transition. Maybe not having much tension is the problem? Moving on though, the story goes ahead to extend the bubble into the other people in the story, this time around we might be focusing on people who might be interested in... let's just say, conveniently distracting the couple of siblings (oh please let me finish my words, haha) on their awkward relationship with each other. Saki-chan is in a group at school who likes to hang out but you know the girl only likes to work and study so kudos to whoever thought that a study session would be a great way to make her study less lmao, and Asamura gets to meet... I forgot her name already, some sailing girl? *laughs* Yeah, her, ever since the summer classes. Hey, if this is going to balloon into something, at least make it blossom, okay? Distract the two from the love they have for each other, so that these feelings can eventually settle into family. It's a matter of time honestly, but what do I know, I don't have a stepsister. *wink* All in all... you think Saki-chan is already regretting cutting her hair down? *giggles* This series has never let me worry about the final drop as much as any show this year, to be real honest. Not just Saki-chan, because Asamura too, and the blandness in the story flow only makes this even scarier. Yeah, like, when the cup overflows and all hell breaks loose? Damn, if this series can deliver something epic for a conclusion, I'll be waiting for it. Make me never regret or actually totally regret, watching this series ever. *giggles* I'll be waiting, Saki-chan.Β 
P.S. "People say that strangers all begin as siblings at first, but in the case of stepsiblings, they start off as strangers and stay strangers till the end." CLEARLY Saki-chan hasn't watched "TsureKano" haha okay maybe "OreImo" is more of a burn in this case lol yeah it's just a mix of both "Or so I think." Oh? *laughs*
P.P.S. "No one at school knows that you are siblings, right?" Yeah, mom. Welp. *laughs* Seriously though, maybe I'm brainwashed or something, why does Ueshama voicing the mom totally remind me listening to Kayanon's soft voice for no reason? *giggles* Yeah, hyped up on the drug that is Kayano Ai huh, me? Why not watch shows she was in-
[Oh, uh, in a nutshell intensity memes if you are less into my thumbnails below hehe you're welcome for Saki-chan and Maaya-san too]

をニパ Giji Harem
"Now I'm starting to look forward to this!" To what? *laughs*
Yeah looking forward to hanky-panky time with Rin-chan alone? Don't even think about it. *laughs* In this new episode where we get rid of all the other people in this series because remember this is still a romance series (#GijiHarem10), yeah this one is doing all the previous ones credit, and I'll tell you more. Maybe. *laughs* I mean, go watch it for yourself, dude. I'm only going to tell you how much Eiji's friend suffered from hearing Eiji himself say that camping isn't the best thing out there right now MUAHAHAHA yeah it's those fireworks dude, even watching from afar at Rin-chan's place says things. *giggles* So about the summer a year later. I mean, time passes real fast when you are in college- That is not true because look at the reports Eiji has to do lol so let's start again. Time passes real fast when you are doing food deliveries- Well, I assume so since you are spending much time on the road and even more time if you have picky customers who rant at you on the timeliness and then there's those customers that you know and then you have to hang out with them for a couple of hours which eat into your effective pay rate? BRUH. *laughs* Okay okay, try again. Time passes real fast for the couple when they are spending quality time together even if it's just in Rin-chan's bedroom without the lights on. *laughs* Yeah, that's much better, but damn, this is how I am going to ghost my friends in the future instead, huh. The future where I spend more time with a woman than by myself- Let's not say too soon I'm already 30. *laughs* Moving on haha, the high school itself is also fun on fun stuff considering Kiri-chan just joined the fray and we are doing a costume relay race in the recent sports festival. Rin-chan is too cool it's killing all the girls in school which yeah I guess thank goodness Eiji doesn't have to be jealous of lol we only got the one kouhai for now, and Kiri-chan just decided to not run on the actual thing so she can act her part haha why though. *giggles* Oh yeah, we also know Megu is into shota. *laughs* All in all haha, I'm still loving these slice-of-life jokes they bring into the mix I especially empathize with that bro of Eiji's he's too real I think I am in this Anime to be frank lol hey I was in a drama club before just not in high school, I like how Rin-chan is getting sad from Eiji's rejection of her other roles which doesn't represent the real her because we know who Eiji is choosing already to be the one, and I'm pretty sure they kissed before they watched the fireworks at her place. *wink* No really, if you haven't been paying attention, THAT is your fault. *laughs* But yeah, this show has its own charm and I already forgot about who gave them money to make this masterpiece lmao, I had a great laugh so all's well is well. The episodes are also getting better by the episode so why not, dude. Really makes me wonder what's the conclusion because I know the love is strong but considering we know what's up I can imagine the conclusion will be lacklustre even though this will settle along the lines of "ToniKawa" at some point, feels like. *wink*
P.S. "The fireworks should be starting soon. Let's leave the lights (to my room) off till then." I mean, why even turn the lights on we already got Eiji turned on. *dabs* "It being dark won't let me snoop around in here though." Woah woah what were you expecting to find bro
P.P.S. "Isn't being able to set your own working hours whole point of these online food delivery services?" He's right. *laughs* But also reality is the food delivery services only work best at peak hours so *shrugs*
[RIN-CHAN LARGE IMAGES SPECIAL!!! Hehe you're welcome but drawing quality not assured lol]

をニパ Shoushimin Series
"What do you mean, I knew I was going to be kidnapped?" *cringe*
Well, to be fair, if she knew of the situation she was in, she would have anticipated and likely not be able to do anything about it. But she might not have known? I'm just talking out of my a** this new episode here haha (#Shoushimin09) because *watches episode* I WAS TOTALLY SPOT-ON!! Haha call me real life Kobato-kun, please. *giggles* So yeah, I can't write a spoiler-free review here so be sure to come back if you haven't gave it a watch. It's a mystery series after all, and they tend to go too according to plan, which starts now so you better leave if you aren't deciphering it like Kobato did with the huge parfait in front of him. So, for starters, why Yuki-chan will kidnap herself. Well, we can assume she can already know the group since and that's pretty much the nail in the coffin, and yes, we don't have to know what happened because if it's anything other than bullying then just like me maybe just keep it under wraps. *silence* Moving on haha, and that leads to Kobato just making his assumption that the whole time he had that map which was carefully drawn to tell him where to go and buy stuff and/or eat with this dear cute girl all summer, turned out to be more useful than usual- Yeah isn't this just a ploy to get Kobato to help Yuki-chan out any time she wants? It's not that hard now tha the remembered every single location on the map in the city he doesn't care about. *taps brain* As to why this kidnap had to involve herself though... In general it is more predictable to plan it for herself than for others. Which isn't wrong because essentially she can plan for her kidnap, but she can't plan that for others. Not if we don't tell them. I mean, look at poor Kengo. *giggles* Even with all this uncertainty of her getting kidnapped especially when she knew it will happen but *wink* we'll get to that in a bit, she is still nice enough to not let the guys risk this hit since you know, she brought it upon her own self, which will bring us to the very last part of this puzzle, her past. So yeah, Kobato isn't weird to question what happened in their middle school life, but surprise surprise, if I didn't remember wrongly, to carry out all this so smoothly which is already a problem if you haven't noticed lol and yes I sort of did, she had an insider on the case. Literally. Inside the gang of girls who Yuki-chan had to fear with. Instead of going out quietly like the way she was, she went into this summer basically with a horn attached to her vocal chord, shouting to the world to take action on her but that also means taking every prevention of making such a kidnap perfectly flawless... until you notice everyone is under threat. Again, literally. Revenge is such a bad pill in Isawa-san, dude, if I handed Episode 3 Yuki-chan a weapon this whole series would likely never have aired. *laughs* Yeah, she also won't be cutely eating a parfait while Kobato tries to unwrap his brain around how he has been toyed with all this while. *cringe* Hmm... I don't know what to make of this, really. *silence* I think even so far I know I can accept the fact that she can orchestrate all this herself, but the pace of the episode has easily proven to us that we should now think in retrospect, that Osanai Yuki herself IS INDEED, a potential criminal. But yeah, potential doesn't mean we should just lock her up, it's really just to keep the case closed if not for its crazy repercussions which would've taken a proper detective agency to solve. I mean, high school teaches you a lot of things, bro, you just gotta attend them. *wink* Haha alright serious talk over but yeah, NOW I really do not know what the conclusion of this series will be when it ends... wait, next week? *laughs* Yes, this is it, this whole series is just protecting dear Yuki-chan from the stuff she did way back then. *giggles* Let me know who you think is the antagonist now, wrong answers only. *dabs* Not gonna lie here, but throughout this episode's unravelling I thought Yuki's mom will be the insider LMAO haha why not right it can be a fake threat
[Oh I'm not going to show screenshots of the kidnapping I'm just glad that repercussions aren't a thing in my bag and I am able to live the life I have now. *cringe* But Yuki-chan having that parfait though!!! *giggles*]
P.S. "A certain level of resolve is required to order this parfait." I can see why now haha says Kobato
P.P.S. "You're right. I had an insider." Yeah Yuki-chan you had an accomplice so you won't feel as bad for eating all this summer sweets by yourself lol gottem also her insider was the sister to Kengo's girlfriend by the way I remembered that alright HAHA IT ALL COMES AROUND *ugh*

音ζ₯½Β This Week on Klassic Note
(*Links to Apple Music Japan, in English where applicable)
If you need a recap with my limited experience with Porno Graffitti, then the thread on Twitter/X will be good enough as I do this while I'm listening to them at work. *laughs* Otherwise, yes I took down every single of the NINE songs Kitou Akari introduced on her Instagram Stories feed on Wednesday I think? Yeah, no source links just because, and then I put them into a temporary playlist and listened to them all the next day. Eh, half of them are good so I'll try to give them a listen over the next week if I have the time, specifically keen on Lavt because it totally does not remind me of when I first heard of Eve and similar artists.Β 

Also Akarin, if you want to be married like your friends you don't have to listen to song titled "Marriage Parade" because we can just tie the knot. *dabs* I am SO READY to get laid with a Japanese woman- I am already listening to the stuff they do with my recent decade of interest in male artists. *dabs*

音ζ₯½Β Music News This Week
(*From Twitter/X; Information accurate as of writing)
BRO, the more I found out each day after last Sunday? The sadder I am for ClariS and their future ahead. Like what, is Clara singing alone now? Come on, we don't need another FINLANDS- Can she find another classmate and friend to join her again?? *giggles* On other news though, why is Anime getting so many original songs (for the wrong reasons lol is this a "Toradora!" resurgence I can't even?) and yeah, I'll be looking forward to Sambo mol-74's live tomorrow. *thumbs up*

IS ALICE-CHAN COMING BACK FOR A FACE REVEAL- Alright me this is no longer a joke anymore we might not even see ClariS to their 15th anniversary for all we know. *sob*

音ζ₯½Β Next Week on Klassic Note
I hear that these guys which band name is too long lol they have a shorter name? Oh "FLINR" I guess haha these guys, they have the what they call it? "Urban Good Music" with them R&B vibes, so I'll give their 2nd mini-album a good listen and maybe even their first if I like what I listen. The others I will deal in due time if I can get over giving the melodies which obviously for Klassic Note is THE hardest part to get through. Yeah, this band didn't even manage to pass that with that one song recommended from Kitou Akari. *giggles*

Aw damn, did I not regret buying those livestream tickets for MaiMai's birthday live today. *giggles* But somehow I'm glad I didn't decide to pay twice to watch despite my mom yelling at me for lunch (F**K YOU MOM I AM SIMPING RIGHT HERE lol) and also to avoid the exorbitant service fee which is typically only seen when you buy stuff from Inorin's fanclub store (GOTTEM) but yeah, it was a great time. The talk show session which I did not watch last year was interesting, and the live was great I only know the one song. *laughs* And we aren't done with this month yet! Because in a strange twist of fate the Melonbooks run (lol) (literally, I'm having the runs, all the money down the sewers) will likely happen next week as soon as I can ship it which is now by the time you read this hehe so see you in a couple of days, and because of that, the now ready upcoming package will be delayed just because. Ugh, suffering from happiness I can't even. *laughs* I'll see you next time then, my hard earned money, it has been nice knowing you. *dabs*

P.S. I can't really show much about the paid event Kanno Mai birthday events (yes, talk event at noon, and live event in the evening) earlier today I watched on streaming but damn do I want the pamphlet that looks like is event only real bad I can't even. *giggles* on other news, she announced like, a theme song for her radio show which will not be her first since she does sing originals for her talent agency, but more importantly, a new photobook is on the works. *silence* Seeing that I have gone full simp on this girl, I miiiiight just break the rules just for her, maybe not do the review. We shall see. *giggles*Β 

Oh, you meant the real thing? Well, she did spill the cake on the tray *laughs* and I liked how we have a Q&A session with the audience because (1) most of them said no when asked if they "love coriander a lot" which she got mad about, (2) we are all "unsatisfied with our lives right now" which says a lot about our simping right here, and (3) looks like "most of us don't want to be forced to do stuff" even if it's MaiMai being cute and asking us to simp more? Damn, this audience is still brutal even face-to-face. I would've just swung my hand above her head when I do the high-five with 144.9cm her as I leave the venue. *dabs*

I really regret not watching the talk event last year tbh haha the live event is just flair now and yes don't tell her that Rikachimalu's one was better-